The Marguerite W. Friedberg Memorial Travel Fellowship provides funding for research-related travel to and within continental France. All students, except for graduating seniors, are eligible to apply for this fellowship. The Fellowship seeks to support students who wish to undertake research or creative work that is inspired by a desire to delve more deeply into a French-related subject and/or that is linked to future thesis work. It may also be undertaken in connection with study abroad, but the travel must be supplementary to any travel or excursions included in an organized study abroad program. The fellowship may not be applied to either the charges of a study abroad program or the costs of any travel in France that is part of a study abroad program.
Successful applicants will be asked to sign an agreement before they travel: stating that they will inform the Chair of the Romance Languages Department in advance if they are unable to fulfill the fellowship requirements.
At the end of their research travel, students will be required to write a 3 to 5-page report to the donor and the Romance Languages Department upon their return. The report will be posted on the French website. Students will also be asked to give a presentation about their research findings.
To apply for the Friedberg Fellowship, students must submit:
- A 1-page project proposal (detailing its focus, location, length, methods)
- A preliminary budget (transport, lodging, costs, as well as any other fellowship funding applied for or secured)
- A one-page project bibliography which should include at least 8-10 books to read in conjunction with the project
- An official copy of the student’s Williams transcript
- One confidential letter of recommendation from a professor who is familiar with the proposed project and can speak to its merits
The application deadline is Monday, February 17, 2025. The application link is now available: